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Counseling Clinic, Inc | Logo
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Walk-In Clinic @ Benton Location

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM


Largest Counseling Provider in Saline County

24-Hour Access | Interpreter Service Available | Walk-Ins Available

24-Hour Access

Interpreter Service Available

Walk-Ins Available

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Important Announcement 
For Our Patients

To ensure the safety of you and our staff, we are temporarily changing our service process to promote the use of televideo/telephone technology whenever possible. 

If you visit our clinic in person, there will be a note on our locked door instructing you to call to check in with the front office staff and we will meet you. So that we can best support you in obtaining necessary healthcare services, we will be taking your temperature and you will be asked if you have symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, trouble breathing, cough, recent contact with a confirmed (+) COVID-19 case, or any recent travel.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to explore the best ways to continue serving you during these challenging times. Please contact our office should you have questions about your upcoming appointment.

Over 50 Years of Counseling Experience

Counseling Clinic, Inc is proud to provide professional counseling and therapy services to Central Arkansas and surrounding communities. We believe that people can and do recover from mental illness and addiction. Together, we focus on your strengths. We teach you to make informed choices about your care. The best, most current treatment practices are administered by skilled and caring professionals. If you or someone appears to be at risk of harm to themselves or the people around them, call 911.

Counseling Clinic, Inc is a private non-profit 501C3 Community Mental Health Center governed by a Board of Directors made up of Saline and Garland county citizens. Founded in 1973, CCI is staffed by diversified professionals with specialized skills and areas of expertise. We have been nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.

Our Programs

Our Services

CCI offers specialized treatment to persons who may be experiencing: Depression, Anxiety/Phobias, General Psychiatric Disorders, Mental Illness, Substance Abuse Problems, Sexual Issues/Dysfunctions, Parent Children Problems, Attention Deficit Disorder, Family Problems, School Problems, Situational Problems, and any other emotional disturbances.

Our Locations

112 Pearson | Benton, AR 72015
Phone: (501) 315-4224
FAX: (501) 776-0411
After Hours Emergencies: (501) 315-2415
PO BOX 901 | Bryant, AR 72089
Benton, AR 72015
Phone: (501) 594-5200
FAX: (501) 594-5244
110 Pearson | Benton, AR 72015
Phone: (501) 315-4224
After Hours Emergencies: (501) 315-2415
Fax: (501) 776-0411
Adult Residential
311 Whittington Ave. | Hot Springs, AR 71901
Phone: (501) 623-3477
FAX: (501) 624-7498

Learn More About

Counseling Clinic, Inc

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